Committee cancels fines on ASI candidates, discusses new media policy

ASI’s legal counsel advised that student government make changes to its election code, despite its opinion that the rules are constitutional.

ASI candidates ask for change in elections code

ASI is postponing all decisions about violations until they consult with legal counsel.

Master plan to determine ASI facilities' next 10 years

Assosciated Students, Inc. (ASI) will use the ASI Facility Master plan — which will be created this year — to determine its direction for the next decade.

Demystifying the Money: ASI and UU fees

This is the third installment in our Demystifying the Money series, which breaks down Cal Poly student tuition and fees. Check back next Tuesday for our fourth installment on IRA fees. Not all fees go toward academic programs. A select…

Breaking the bank: what to know about student fees

Student fees account for 42 percent of students’ tuitions, and make up for the deficit in state-provided funding from past years.

ASI to experience 10 percent budget cut

ASI’s business staff are working with a 10 percent budget reduction the coming year, due to the projected 10 percent reduction in Cal Poly enrollment.