Open forums will be held until May 17.
Staff, faculty salary listening sessions continue
At a meeting Thursday in Alex and Faye Spanos Theatre, CLA staff and faculty voiced their concerns over current salary issues.
Students petition to keep political science professor at Cal Poly
Students advocate to keep Professor Krishnan on campus after he was denied a full-time tenure track position.
CLA fee increase vote to take place Tuesday, Wednesday
College of Liberal Arts (CLA) students will vote Monday and Tuesday on whether to implement a $112 quarterly college-based fee.
Students could be decision makers on proposed CLA fee increase
The increase would bring College-Based Fees up to $291 per quarter for liberal arts students, which is the current rate of every other academic college.
Mustang News, Jan. 30, 2014: CLA could see fee increase, Hearst Castle drains Neptune Pool
Mustang News anchor Olivia DeGennaro covers today’s top stories at Cal Poly.
Liberal arts dean pushes for college fee increase
The fee increase would bring the College of Liberal Arts college-based fee on par with the rest of the Cal Poly’s colleges, which all stand at $347.19 per quarter. The College of Liberal Arts fee is now $239.19.