Seismic testing proposal denied

Laura Pezzini T-shirts emblazoned with the slogan “Stop Ocean Blasting” peppered the crowd at the California Coastal Commission’s (CCC) meeting in Santa Monica on Wednesday, protesting seismic testing off the Central Coast. It seems they worked. The CCC denied…

Diablo Canyon making seismic waves

Laura Pezzini Proposed seismic testing near the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant in Avila Beach has created controversy since early 2011, due to a number of concerns surrounding the issue. Opinions vary between those who are for the tests,…

PG&E seeks another 20 years for Diablo Canyon

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) will hold two public meetings this month with Diablo Canyon Power Plant owner Pacific Gas & Electric Co. (PG&E) in San Luis Obispo. The meetings will cover issues related to the operation of the…

Feature story: Mothers for Peace-Active in issues of peace, social justice and environmental safety for 40 years

Mothers for Peace (MPF), a non-profit organization formed in 1969 as an anti-Vietnam War group, has remained active in issues of peace, social justice and environmental safety for over 40 years.