Students, faculty and San Luis Obispo residents gathered on Cal Poly’s Dexter Lawn on Friday, Sept. 20 as part of a global initiative to fight climate change. The demonstration, organized locally by Sunrise Movement Central Coast and San Luis Obispo…
Arts community comes together at the Juried Student Art Exhibition
Sculptures, paintings, graphic design and photography are spread throughout the gallery.
30-Minute Update: Students gather to protest hate speech on campus, Pulitzer Prize-winning author speaks about immigration
Mustang News anchors Alexa Bruington and Tom Nork update you on Mustang News’ biggest stories this week.
Dex Fest offers free music and entertainment
Students sat outside in the sun on Thursday as they watched Cal Poly students throw themselves into their passions at the student-hosted Dex Fest. Solar Cal Poly and The Merry Hoopsters clubs held an event, “Dex Fest,“ which featured live music, hula…
ASI to host four-day budget debate
Associated Student Inc. will be holding a budget crisis debate series Monday through Thursday on Dexter Lawn, allowing students to voice their concerns about the economic disaster.