Fraternities leave suspension behind, begin new risk management practices

Cal Poly lifted the social suspension on Interfraternity Council (IFC) chapters on Tuesday, a week before fall recruitment begins on Oct. 8.

Deferred rush compromise brings changes

Cal Poly students will notice quite a few changes in the greek system starting this fall, courtesy of several new policies resulting from a compromise to end deferred recruitment for Interfraternity Council (IFC) fraternities.

Cal Poly ends deferred rush, begins new regulations for greeks

Cal Poly announced changes to its greek regulations Tuesday, including the end of the deferred rush policy under which freshmen males could not join fraternities until their second quarter.

Students ‘Call on Bini’ for ASI president

Just as he hoped they would, students “called on Bini” this week and elected agribusiness junior Jason Colombini into office as the next president of Associated Students, Inc. (ASI).

Rush deferment may soon be policy of past

Hillary Kaiser Deferred rush, which bans freshman males from rushing any fraternity until winter quarter of their first year, may soon change. Administration and several student groups are in discussions to come to a compromise on the policy’s future, which…