Tuesday Tunes: Dead week edition

The rest of your life might depend on that one final. At least you have tunes, right?

The body after Adderall: Is it worth it?

Sam Gilbert is a journalism sophomore and Mustang Daily health columnist. It’s the week we’ve all been dreading since the moment winter quarter began. Yes, you guessed it: dead week. In my opinion, the buildup to finals is almost worse…

Surviving dead week

It’s the beginning of dead week. I really don’t think anything else needs to be said because we all know what this accurately-named week entails: caffeine, all-nighters (though I’ve yet to pull one) and books on books on books (had…

How to stay alive during dead week

Leila Durmaz is a journalism freshman and Mustang Daily freshman columnist. When you think about it, Thanksgiving break is such a tease. We spend a few beautifully relaxing days at home, enjoying good — to say the least — homemade…