LAES escape room project: A gamer’s dream

To all the gamers and adventurists out there who have dreamed of jumping into the screen and solving the murder mystery, saving the city or cracking the puzzle in an “Indiana Jones” movie — your time has come.

Required viewing: humanities and LAES bring ‘must-see’ films to campus

Kassi Luja The Cal Poly community now has the opportunity to embark on a cinematic adventure each Wednesday night this quarter, thanks to the humanities and liberal arts and engineering studies (LAES) departments. The two recently teamed up to put on a “must-see film”…

Opening night of SLO Film Festival features spotlights, wine tasting, Q&A, but no red carpet

Allison Montroy The SLO International Film Festival (SLOIFF) started off Wednesday night with a “Red Carpet Gala” in Cal Poly’s Alex and Faye Spanos Theatre. The event featured plenty of wine, a full house, spotlights and a film documenting the…

Lights, camera, red carpet

Kassi Luja The smell of salty, buttered popcorn. Old, two-armed chairs holding soft drinks and dimmed, cinema lights. An adventure ensues when the red curtains draw back, though many moviegoers are not aware of the behind-the-scenes process of filmmaking.…

A liberal dose of engineering

Very few majors offer students the chance to work in both the arts and sciences simultaneously. In fact, at Cal Poly there is only one: liberal arts and engineering studies. Liberal arts and engineering studies (LAES) is an interdisciplinary program…