Obamacare highlights administration’s flaws

I’ve given President Barack Obama every chance to redeem himself on his signature Affordable Care Act (ACA) during the past month and a half. The “train wreck,” as many Congressional Republicans have dubbed it, finally hit me.

A thank you to our veterans

Over the past week, we’ve been inundated with hundreds of ads all over television, the Internet, and the radio reminding us to “thank our veterans.” While it’s an important message to send to the American people, perhaps the more important question to ponder is, “Why do we thank our veterans?”

GOP creates 'Crossroad Generation'

During his 2008 campaign, President Obama related to young voters in a special way, promising jobs under the elusive, ambiguous motto of “change.” For many, he’s been a shoulder to cry on, but unfortunately not much more than that. In…

Elephants or donkeys: it doesn’t matter

Andrew Nenow is a wine and viticulture sophomore and Mustang Daily conservative columnist. The majority of the articles that come out of this column come from current political issues and pertain to those that most well-informed Americans are aware of.…