One nation, no longer under God

Ashley Pierce is a political science freshman and Mustang Daily conservative columnist. A few Christmases ago in Santa Monica, Calif., a group of atheists became offended (how they love that word) by Christmas decorations at a local park. Then they challenged…

In defense of Christie

Ashley Pierce is a political science freshman and Mustang Daily conservative columnist. Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey was Republicans’ Christ-like figure just last year. He was set to single-handedly save the party and bring it back to popular standing…

Drones don’t kill people, people do

Ashley Pierce is a political science freshman and Mustang Daily conservative columnist. The drone war: it’s all the news outlets seem to be focused on a lot of the time, and with good reason. In theory, drones are absolutely fantastic.…

Abortions come down to selfishness

Ashley Pierce is a political science freshman and Mustang Daily conservative columnist. The other day my liberal friend posted another liberal Facebook post. He wrote: “What if the cure for cancer is trapped inside the mind of someone who can’t…

Foreign aid or dependency in disguise?

Ashley Pierce is a political science freshman and Mustang Daily conservative columnist. With $16 trillion in debt and counting, America’s debt clock keeps ticking and yet nothing is done. This large sum of money is not just owed to China,…

Jets, tanks and anti-semitism: Oh my!

Ashley Pierce is a political science freshman and Mustang Daily conservative columnist. A long time ago (three years ago if we’re being technical), Egypt and America were allies and that was all fine and dandy. During that time a deal…

Ahh, it’s the conservatives!

Ashley Pierce is a political science freshman and Mustang Daily conservative columnist. I was in an economics class in high school in which the teacher drew a line on the board representing the political spectrum. He placed liberals on the…

Why race matters in politics

Whether the conservative establishment likes it or not, race is a determinant of electoral victories. Many Republicans like myself prefer to talk about issues that affect us personally — such as jobs. But this is part of the reason why…

Romney might gain Hispanic support through VP

They have both said the same exact words repeatedly (“I will not be VP”) — sometimes casually, sometimes forcefully. But Marco Rubio and Susana Martinez both realize they would be an ideal counterweight to Romney’s ticket. As we all know,…

Conservatives: Victims of Liberal Prejudice?

I usually don’t spend time responding to my liberal colleague’s articles, but I believe the last one merited my attention. I write to you all today as a victim of the prejudice expressed in Mr. Andrew Bloom’s latest piece about…

What's the 'fracking' problem?

You may have already spent your lunch money on a donation toward the KONY 2012 effort, but there’s a new fundraising campaign that may actually have more impact than the leaky Invisible Children movement. Ann and Phelim Media LLC is…