Reichart argues that religion should not be a dominating force in how government conducts itself.
America’s National Parks: Purveyors of the American Spirit
Embodied within America’s national parks are the principles of equality, unity, freedom and democracy.
Truth in Advertising Act gains momentum, then stalls
Lindsy Mobley [follow id=”lindsy_mobley”] Most advertisements, if not all, are Photoshopped. The advertisements that discretely land in our peripheral vision with our every turn are usually undeniably airbrushed. And yet, even knowing this, we all idolize, idealize and fantasize about…
Say hello to the dirtiest Congress history has ever seen
While the House majority has been busy carrying on the legacy of its predecessors, Senate Republicans have managed to find the time to confront the work they were sent to Washington for in the first place: to bolster a recovering economy and promote continued job growth.