Rancer's Recipes 12-1-05

Emily Rancer Oy vey, the holidays are almost here! And while I may not have a recipe for honey-baked ham or roast duck, I do have a Hanukkah favorite: latkes (potato pancakes). No matter how many Jewish mothers you ask,…

The invisible man finishes last in this race

Daniel Gingras In the expression “nice guys finish last,” the word nice is a misnomer. The real truth in the saying is that “timid guys finish last.” Passive men who proclaim this credo are probably misconstruing as niceness the qualities…

Plagiarism is not a universally-understood concept

Students press to succeed in class and as a result from pressure, ignorance and laziness, students plagiarize in written works and assignments. According to an unscientific survey conducted at Cal Poly of 40 random students, one in every four students…

Cell phones are ruining America

A few weeks ago I was at a Rolling Stones concert in San Francisco, and as I was looking down the rows I kept noticing small blue lights popping up. I didn’t think much of it until I noticed a…

The Outdoor Gunn 12-1-05

Christopher Gunn The sun set at 4:51 p.m. Tuesday. With the sun retreating towards the horizon at what seems like an extraordinary pace these days, and cloudy skies beginning to filter in with the first signs of winter rains, it…