Spring Breeaaaaaakkk!!!

Janice Edman             I have never gone on spring break.  I have gone away for spring break ” a chilly trip to New York where I had strep throat and enjoyed what I could of the city from the hotel…

A Healthy 2006

Dan Watson It’s that time of year again, New Year’s resolution time! Instead of making the same resolution to get healthier and then forgetting it by Valentine’s Day candy time, why not try it a different way? Try some of…

We're calling you out, UFC champion

Douglas B. Bruzzone and Michael Matzke “Two Classy Gents” is a humor column. Chuck-chuck-bo-buck, fanana-fanna-fo. . .we all know how this little children’s ditty ends. As you may or may not know, faithful Mustang Daily reader, the current Ultimate Fighting…

The tale of Jimmy Stewart and the banana penis

Daniel Gingras The first time I really sat down and thought about how sexually charged our generation has become was at a Cotillion Club dance in high school. Members of the Cotillion Club were upperclassmen only (juniors and seniors) whose…

Sports Balk 1-12-06

Bradford Applin As I sit here tanning in the faint glow radiating from my computer monitor, eating stale Oreos and contemplating cracking open my textbook for the first time this quarter, several possible New Year’s resolutions come to mind. What…

No, you da ho

Janice Edman I shifted uncomfortably in the passenger seat, and then toyed with the heat controls for a minute, hoping one of those buttons would cause my mother’s question to vanish instantly from my mind, instead of hanging over our…

Frankly Speaking 1-11-06

Frank Stranzl The setting: Christmas Eve. I was sitting in front of a crackling fire, Christmas music serenading the room (real Christmas songs, like “Joy to the World” and The “Little Drummer Boy” ” that “PC” crap doesn’t fly in…

Change your world

Tyler Middlestadt Whatever your New Year’s resolutions are for this year, University President Warren Baker is asking that you consider changing the world. It’s not too far-fetched considering the accomplishments of some of our high profile alumni like Burt Rutan…

Bush: Committing the oldest sins in the newest kind of ways

Jack Ingram Sadly, I must admit that when the New York Times announced last month that President Bush ordered the National Security Agency (NSA), which focuses on international and foreign surveillance, to spy instead on American citizens, I hardly flinched.…

The Cal Poly pyramid

Jessica Dean and Robin Rodriguez Last spring, the United States Department of Agriculture released its newest diet innovation, the Food Guide Pyramid. It’s filled with new and updated recommendations for the diet and exercise regimens of all Americans over the…

Garrett Leight sounds off

A storied rivalry. Heisman hopefuls. An undefeated record to maintain. BCS Bowl games on the line. The most powerful offenses in the country go head-to-head. When USC and UCLA take the field this Saturday, my television will be tuned into…