The wingman formation

Daniel Gingras A wingman, as defined in the dictionary, is a pilot who supports another in a hostile environment filled with bogies. The wingman must support the pilot by engaging his target, as well as defending the pilot against possible…

A Casual Encounter of the Sexual Kind

Janice Edman             During a recent trip to the salon, I had ample time (four-and-a-half hours to be exact ” it’s a tough life) to read up on the magazines you find in vast, thumbed-through abundance at salons and the…

Going broke for books

Tyler Middlestadt Last Wednesday the New York Times published a story entitled, “Getting Textbooks Cheaper from India,” focusing on the efforts of students who purchase textbooks from overseas in order to save money. The attempts to avoid the retail cost…

Sports Balk 4-5-06

Bradford Applin I’m standing up as I write this. You may think it’s because I am so excited about the topic of today’s column that I can’t sit still. Perhaps I am anxiously typing away as the NCAA Tournament Championship…


Frank Stranzl As I left the Daily office at 6:25 p.m., I knew tip-off was out of sight. But I trudged across sopping wet terrain, through a misty drizzle and hustled to my car. I frantically turned onto Grand Avenue…

We live in an immigration nation

Jack Ingram Monday, April 3, 2006 – The topic of illegal immigration is unequivocally the most difficult issue that I have ever tried to tackle in this column. Frankly, I’m just not sure. Like most Americans, I value our system…

A different view on illegal immigration

Brian Eller In the last few days across America, there have been numerous marches, protests and walkouts over new legislation which would make all undocumented aliens felons, require employers to confirm the immigration status of its employees, and potentially criminalize…

Sex and drug themes: A free ride to a household name

Daniel Gingras When I walk into an Urban Outfitters, usually it’s in search of overpriced T-shirts with Russian Coke advertisements and lame puns plastered to their fronts. When I stumble instead upon books like “Spliffs 2,” “How Animals Have Sex”…

No love in downtown SLO

Janice Edman In a recent article entitled “Urban Unrest,” the New Times reported on a group of wily and hyper-offended SLO residents (my description) who want Urban Outfitters – our first cool store in, I’ll venture, a decade – to…

Sports Balk 3-10-06

Bradford Applin I’ve decided to extend my deadline for this column to 12:01 a.m. EST on Thursday. You see, I’m having a tremendously difficult time deciding on a topic for this column. Wait, no, I’ll have it done by midnight…

Report: Gents fake classiness

Douglas B. Bruzzone and Michael Matzke N ote to faithful Mustang Daily reader: We at the Mustang Daily office recently unearthed this article about the Two “Classy” Gents, the Honorable Douglas B. Bruzzone and Michael Matzke, M.D. Consequently, we are…