When the "Right Way" is wrong

Jack Ingram Last week, while on my way back from my bi-weekly Bible burning with my fellow pagan-communist-sodomite brethren, I happened to stumble upon my counterpart’s column, titled “Good vs. Evil, Republicans vs. Democrats, religion vs. secularism.” And I, perhaps…

Rewarding betrayal: The unexceptional media

Brian Eller Only a few days ago, several news agencies reported that Mary O. McCarthy, a senior officer in the CIA, had been dismissed from her job for leaking classified information to the media. The information damaged intelligence relationships across…

Dealing with disabilities in the workplace

Jennette Ballas and Aliza Elbert Dilemma: I am a graduating senior looking for potential jobs and have currently started the interview process. I have a disability that can and might have an effect on my productivity at work and I…

United 93: Too soon to relive attacks

It’s been almost five years. Five long years since we witnessed the Twin Towers fall to the ground, the demolition of the Pentagon and a newfound sense of vulnerability in our country. But is five years enough time to relive…

Box office blockbusters: 'The Da Vinci Code' vs. 'Snakes on a Plane'

Douglas B. Bruzzone and Michael Matzke As you may or may not be aware, faithful Mustang Daily reader, the Two Classy Gents often get a chance to sample cinema's finer pleasures weeks or even months before they come out. Perhaps…

Clipping Wins

Bradford Applin Disclaimer: please do not confuse the following metaphor (created by a confused writer while mulling over a batch of banana pancakes) with real life, as it may be detrimental to your grades and therefore your graduation from Cal…

Love, Hollywood Style

Janice Edman             Anyone who has ever watched five minutes of “E!” or read a copy of Us Weekly (as my friends and I do on these dreary, rainy days) knows that the Hollywood dating scene is about as similar…

Not a typical 35-year-old mom

Daniel Gingras When I try to think of possible scenarios in which I’ll interact with a married 35-year-old woman, I always reach the same conclusion. A modest sundress-clad woman enters the living room where I’m loafing on the sofa to…

Zionism and the ongoing Israeli terrorism

Paul Bittick It is truly disappointing to find any moral person defending Israel’s violation of U.N. resolutions and World Court rulings. Are we then going to defend the expunging of millions of Palestinians from their homeland? And the hundreds of…

Education in the squeeze

Tyler Middlestadt This week, the California Legislature resumed its spring session and is considering higher education funding levels for the coming year. Even though it’s common knowledge in Sacramento that education is drastically under-funded ($1.5 billion deficit in the CSU…

Good vs evil, Republicans vs Democrats, religion vs secularism

Brian Eller Being a Catholic, Easter has special religious significance for me. I attended a wonderful and crowded Catholic mass to celebrate our holiest day of the year. Like many of you, I feel that I have a relationship with…