More to do in SLO than drink

When I talk to my friends back home, the conversation often turns to how Cal Poly is a party school. After all, there isn’t anything else to do in San Luis Obispo, right? This in itself seems strange to me,…

The Vibrator through time

Daniel Gingras The vibrator as we know it had its earliest beginnings as a firehose aimed at a woman’s crotch, or vulva, by doctors seeking to cure hysteria. “This week is booked solid, but I can pencil you in for…

A woman's right to the 'big O'

Janice Edman In the Medieval period, scholars say that the common belief regarding baby-making was that both men and woen had to orgasm in intercourse in order to release the egg and sperm for formation. Though the times weren’t exactly…

Sustainability matters at Baker Forum

Tyler Middlestadt This Monday, over 60 business leaders and university officials gathered to discuss how Cal Poly can continue to improve its stature as the leading public university in the West, only this time, there was a much more pressing…

ASI elections are over, but there's still one more vote

Brian Eller With the ASI elections finished and over, it seems that the frenzy surrounding our campus will return to normal. Sadly, I think I will actually miss the forests of stake signs spammed over every lawn and road. While…

God hates 'fags'

Jack Ingram Or so the Bible says … at least, according to the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) of Topeka, Kan. During a long drive to L.A. this weekend, I thought of something that Louis Brandeis once said: “Sunlight is the…

Helping the homeless in San Luis Obispo

The man on the street corner holding the “Why lie I need a beer” sign is probably homeless, but he’s not the only one. Far from it. Yet, it is his face that’s in the public eye and, therefore, it…

Palestinian Awareness Week and its opponents

If I were to hold a Mexican American awareness week or a week which sought to elevate the discourse on Australian Aborigines, I highly doubt that the event would generate too much controversy or backlash. However, why is it that…

Rumor Patrol: We had sex with Nicky Hilton

Douglas B. Bruzzone and Michael Matzke The Rumor Patrol would like to say one thing: this is definitely not a rumor. The Rumor Patrol definitely had sex with Nicky Hilton. We were there; we saw it. Well, we saw most…

A condom buyer exposed

Daniel Gingras Buying a condom these days is like running the gauntlet. And by running the gauntlet, I mean a punishment formerly used in the military in which somebody was forced to run between two lines of men armed with…

Palestine Awareness Week needs to advocate peace

Since the assassination of Anwar Sadat in Egypt in 1981 by the Moslem Brotherhood for making peace with Israel, Egypt has been in a state of emergency, allowing it to arrest suspects without charging them and to restrict public freedom.…