History’s end: Local folk band plays last show

Local folk-alternative band History of Painters played its last show as a band this past Friday night at Kreuzberg, CA.

Misery loves company: the tragic beauty of The National’s ‘Trouble Will Find Me’

By all accounts, Matt Berninger is a happy man. He’s married with a daughter, and between all the interviews and Reddit AMAs leading up to the album release, The National seems to be content.

Word on the Street: Will you be going in the ocean?

See what Cal Poly students and faculty members are thinking about the recent shark attack in Avila.

Letters to the Two Classy Gents

Douglas B. Bruzzone and Michael Matzke Well, faithful Mustang Daily readers, our glorious run has come to an end. We’ve had a lot of laughs, but more importantly, we’ve all learned something. For one thing, calling out the UFC champion?…

Lessons in Love from a Good Student

Janice Edman             If there was a class offered here at Poly on love, I’m sure the “learn by doing” motto would be given a run for its money.  Because that’s exactly how one learns about love ” not from…

With the right attitude, music can play up confidence

When I was little, I took piano lessons. I started at age 9, and continued through high school. For those nine years, nothing in the world could faze me when my fingers touched those smooth, slick keys. To this day,…

Bicyclists should stick to the driving laws too

I was walking from the parking structure to building 26 and had to cross the street at South Perimeter and Via Carta. Before I stepped into the crosswalk, I looked for cars and other hazards. I had barely stepped out…

What a kick to the balls

Girls will often complain of the sensitivity of their bosoms. It’s not that I parade around roughhousing titties, it’s just that I’ve noticed an accidental lateral nudge is enough to rile them into grimaced claims about pain that’s the feminine…

Lessons learned from a year as ASI president

So this is it Cal Poly. I’m officially 10 days away from leaving office and this is my last column as your dedicated ASI president. One of the benefits of being president is gaining an increased perspective on the role…

A cry for help: A personal letter

Douglas B. Bruzzone and Michael Matzke Dear Faithful Mustang Daily Reader, You wouldn’t believe everything that’s happened to us lately. We haven’t spoken in oh, so long, and we feel like we’ve lost touch with each other. The drunken text…

Summer lovin' happens so SLO

Janice Edman When I was 15, I bought the single for “Baby One More Time” by Britney Spears – and it’s taken me seven years to admit it. Her B-side song was entitled “Autumn Goodbye,” a deeply profound ballad about…