Cal Poly contributes to computer research

A Cal Poly research team is working on one of the final steps to build the world’s first large-scale quantum computer. If the results turn out as expected, physics assistant professor Katharina Gillen’s research could be the missing key. “It…

Thousands apply, hundreds accepted

During California’s tough budgetary times, one thing Cal Poly isn’t lacking is applicants. Though Cal Poly’s application rates are down 3 percent from last year, Cal Poly is not prepared to accommodate even 50 percent of the students applying. This…

Construction continues to cause ‘Big Squeeze’ throughout campus

Expect detours on Via Carta, the major pedestrian and vehicle pathway connecting North and South Perimeter roads, for the next three years as construction is completed for the new Center for Science and Mathematics.

Cal Poly announces plans for destruction of Science and Math Building

Cal Poly will reveal later this month how the new Science and Mathematics Building demolition and construction will impact campus.“It’s going to disrupt this part of campus,” said Philip Bailey, dean of the College of Science and Mathematics. “It’ll be tough for two and a half years.”