When industrial engineering senior Chad Kihm pulls out his phone to play the mobile application Game of War, it’s not all fun and games.
Dreaming of safe play: Student startup swings without borders
It started as an internship for landscape architecture seniors Michael Aguas and Nicholas Tuttle. By the end, it became a dream.
Student startups accelerate to new beginnings
The Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) is finishing up its fourth year of existence. For the first time in its history, it inducted a nonprofit into its 2014 SLO HotHouse Accelerator Program.
SLO HotHouse seeks new location to expand
Cal Poly is seeking a new location downtown for its SLO HotHouse program, with an addition of residential space to house 40-80 upper-division students.
Post Poly: How a free piece of pizza led to $1.4 million
“Pat and I were like, ‘Hey, we’re gonna put coffee in a pouch,'” Matt Canepa said. And so Grinds was born.
Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship to host start-up business panel
Similar to the TV show “Shark Tank,” attendees will be given monopoly money for the first part of the event.