Mustang News, Nov. 20, 2013: Greek chapters investigated after “offensive” party, Cal Poly satellites launched into space

Christina Favuzzi [follow id=”ChristinaFav”] Mustang News anchor Christina Favuzzi covers today’s biggest news at Cal Poly.

Mustang News, Nov. 6, 2013: Campus Dining plans to expand, Financial aid cancels federal loans

Christina Favuzzi [follow id= “ChristinaFav”] Mustang News anchor Christina Favuzzi covers today’s biggest news at Cal Poly.

Professors become Coleman Fellows

The Cal Poly Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship selected Lorraine Donegan, Mary Glick and Lynn Metcalf to participate in the Coleman Foundation Faculty Entrepreneurship Fellows Program.

Health Center adapts to growing population

More students means more germs.

To meet the growing demand of a rising student population, the Health Center extended its hours as part of a new pilot program. However, those aren’t the only changes the Health Center could be facing.