CSU Chancellor Reed to step down

In the hours after the announcement of California State University (CSU) Chancellor Charles Reed’s retirement, a spokesperson for the state senator who had called for Reed’s resignation earlier this month said he had not heard anything suggesting there was a…

Proposed tuition increase receives sharp criticism at forum

As part of the lead up to a student advisory vote next month, Cal Poly administrators hosted the first of nine forums to educate students about a proposed fee Tuesday. The proposed Student Success Fee, which interim vice president for…

Budget cuts could mean less money for Cal Poly

A state budget that would cut an additional $150 million from the California State University system (CSU), on top of the previously expected $500 million in cuts was vetoed June 15 by Governor Jerry Brown.

CSU gets money to increase course offerings

The chancellor’s office announced on Friday that the California State University (CSU) system will receive a one time allocation of federal money totaling $77.5 million.