30-Minute Update: San Luis Obispo Police Department increasing fines for some violations Halloween weekend, Crops Club holds annual haunted corn maze

Mustang News anchors Monica Roos and Avrah Baum update you on Mustang News’ biggest stories this week.

Week of Welcome: A history of changes

Week of Welcome — known as WOW — is the largest volunteer orientation program in the nation. But, before there were costume-clad WOW leaders rocking crazy choreographed dances, WOW actually began as a basic orientation program.

Campus Dining spices up menu

Campus Dining has unveiled several new products and services on the Cal Poly campus this quarter.

Cal Poly to make room for serious students

Cal Poly is now operating with new policies issued from the CSU Chancellor’s office that limit the number of incomplete, withdrawal, and repeat grades students can accumulate per academic record.