30-Minute Update: Arrest numbers following Blue-Green rivalry game, candidates for Dean of Students hold open forum

Mustang News anchors Juliet Saunders and Daniel Park update you on Mustang News’ biggest stories this week.

Word on the Street: Career Fair

What would you say if you only had 15 seconds to pitch yourself to a potential employer?

Nutrition and kinesiology: Two majors, many possible futures

Sam Gilbert is a journalism sophomore and a Mustang Daily health columnist.  We all went through the grueling college application process. The hardest part when applying to Cal Poly? Choosing the major that will lead to our future careers. It’s…

Bridging the gap

[box]Some jump right in, others take some time, but what’s the best option between graduation and getting a job?[/box] Whether just beginning college or getting ready to put on a cap and gown, most students can’t help but ask, “what’s…

Graduate blazing own trail

Google the phrase “graphic designer,” and Jessica Greenwalt’s name appears in the top 10 search results of more than 60 million. In a job market full of uncertainty — in which college graduates regularly take jobs far below their aspirations…