Corporations are not only judged by their services, but also by the political views they hold.
‘Majorcentrism’ making students feel special
Aside from neon tank tops, Apple products and construction paraphernalia, something else has taken up a seemingly boundless presence on campus. It is invisible yet nuanced in every printed flyer, every custom T-shirt, every clique-covered locale. It is, of course,…
Budget battle heats up in recent weeks
Jeremy Cutcher is a political science senior and Mustang Daily liberal columnist.
Fear must be eliminated for the truth to advance in America
Action and protestation based on fear and imagined threats is becoming a trend in conservatism today, and until that is corralled, truth can’t prevail in society.
Capitalists: society’s true humanitarians
Over the course of history, society has generally suffered only a minority of the population to act as professional humanitarians. After all, the career humanitarian is a unique breed. The humanitarian seeks alms for the poor and must, in turn, seek alms for himself to continue his alms-seeking vocation.
Minimum wage blatently ignores non-monetary benefits of work
The minimum wage sparks a great deal of controversy because it is an emotion-laden topic. Such emotion is quite understandable as any talk on minimum wage naturally involves a discussion about poor people. And curiously, the prosperous and the well-positioned in our society, among them most college students, seem to never tire of amusing and exasperating themselves at dinner table debates over what to do or what not to do with the poor.