30-Minute Update: San Luis Obispo Police Department increasing fines for some violations Halloween weekend, Crops Club holds annual haunted corn maze

Mustang News anchors Monica Roos and Avrah Baum update you on Mustang News’ biggest stories this week.

Restrictive marijuana law stalled at SLO council meeting

The proposed ordinance resulted from complaints about noxious odors from outdoor medical marijuana cultivation in a residential area.

Relay for Life turns campus purple

The Cal Poly Relay for Life crew tied purple ribbons around trees and posts, and left chalk messages such as #beatcancer and #jointhefight on the ground around Dexter Lawn and the Julian A. McPhee University Union (UU) Plaza.

‘I don’t like the word sick’ — Sarah’s survival

Business administration junior Sarah Islas opens up about a borderline malignant tumor found in her ovary, the multiple surgeries that followed and how support from family and friends were crucial to her survival.

Student creates support group

Kirsten Mortenson’s life was irrevocably changed three weeks before her first quarter at Cal Poly when her father was diagnosed with stage-four kidney cancer. Mortenson, now an environmental management and protection senior, said she was left to battle not only…