Confessions of a "Night Commuter" in the fight for the children of Uganda

nick camacho Last Saturday night, hundreds of people stood around in the Mission Plaza holding sleeping bags and pillows, grouping together for pictures and greeting one another with hugs and smiles. As the last few rays of light passed out…

Enterprise project creates Tomato Mania

Jennifer Hall Sales were high this weekend at the annual Tomato Mania, a Cal Poly student project held at the Environmental Horticulture Unit on campus. The event was part of an enterprise project put on by three Cal Poly students:…

ASI presidential candidates debate

nick camacho At the ASI presidential debate on Thursday in the University Union, the blue shirts were out in full force – bright blue for Anne Giapapas, light blue for Todd Maki – as the presidential candidates answered questions about…

Tomato Mania is on, mealybug still present

Inspections are still on-going throughout Cal Poly’s horticulture units as investigators sample more plants in search of the passion-vine mealybug that was discovered two weeks ago. “The majority of greenhouses have been released of hold,” pest control professor Robert Rice…

Poly hosts CubeSat workshop

brennan angel University professors and students from Turkey, Romania and all over the United States gathered on Thursday – all in the name of CubeSat. “CubeSat is a worldwide organization run by Cal Poly,” said Roland Coelho, the assistant coordinator…

Wine connoisseurs to spend 'An Afternoon Amidst the Oaks"

Good wine, good food and great entertainment will be offered this Saturday at Cal Poly’s fourth annual Wine Festival at the historic Santa Margarita Ranch. The “Afternoon Amidst the Oaks” takes place from 1 to 4 p.m. and will feature…

Looking 'Beyond Shelter' at homelessness

nick camacho “Soup and Substance” were served for lunch as part of Beyond Shelter’s Homeless Awareness Week Tuesday where about a dozen students gathered for a meal – consisting of soup and bread – and watched a short documentary on…

ASI expects larger voter turnout for 2006 elections

Jennifer Hall With ASI elections fast approaching on May 3 and 4, the current ASI representatives are pushing for an increase in voter turnout for the 2006-2007 ASI president and board of directors election. ASI has set a goal of…

Poly opens doors for students in forestry and natural resources

Cal Poly’s admittance to a natural and cultural resources management network that partners with federal agencies will provide students with more senior projects, senior theses and hands-on opportunities. Cal Poly was one of three California State Universities (CSU) to join…

Musty the Mustang takes on the Red Bull Flutag

On Saturday Musty the Mustang will soar off a platform, plummet 30 feet into water and only to be decapitated in front of a crowd of thousands. Red Bull Flugtag is the name of the game and five Cal Poly…

ASI presidential election campaigns commence

Bright, colorful and informative fliers calling for students’ attention are sprouting up along frequently-traveled roads and walkways on campus this week, announcing the return of the annual ASI student government elections. Though voting does not begin until May 3, candidates…