A push away from parking

Parking can be a struggle for Cal Poly students, but for Cal Poly University Police Department (UPD) Associate Director Marlene Cramer, it’s an opportunity for students to explore alternate forms of transportation. With more than 7,000 parking spaces on campus,…

WOW 2017 crime recap

During Week of Welcome (WOW) 2017, Cal Poly experienced more than twice as many arrests as last year.

Mustang News Now: 1-Minute news update

Mustang News anchor Michelle Logan has the news headlines you need to know this week.

UPD escort van service no longer driving off campus

The University Police Department (UPD) escort van’s original intent was to serve the students residing on campus, but some off-campus students feel its services should be expanded to them as well.

Student awakened by attempted burglary

UPD is investigating the attempted burglary.