Story ideas flowing after Armstrong Q-and-A with Mustang News

In what’s become a semi-annual tradition at Mustang News, Cal Poly President Jeffrey Armstrong joined the staff for a Q-and-A on Monday morning.

Housing must make drug dog policy clear

While it’s not a clear-cut issue on whether these dogs should be allowed, students should at least be aware they’re coming.

The changing face of Cal Poly

Amanda Margozzi The total number of applications submitted to Cal Poly reached an all-time high in Fall 2012. There were 45,796 transfer and first-time freshman applications, which was an increase of 10.9 percent from the previous year, according to…

Cal Poly looks for space

Victoria Billings University Housing is asking for students’ input in a new survey sent to Cal Poly students via email this week. The survey is one of the first steps University Housing is taking to improve the on-campus experience…

Dry campus becoming less dry

Cal Poly’s alcohol policy is not as straightforward as some might think. In an effort to preserve the image of a dry university campus and still offer alcohol, Cal Poly’s alcohol policies have become increasingly flexible as time goes on.…