Mustang News, Feb. 20, 2014: Dorm comment period extended, list of possible ASI performers leaked

Mustang News anchor Olivia DeGennaro covers today’s top stories at Cal Poly.

Mustang Minute: New Poly Reps Announced

One elite Cal Poly group is welcoming more than 20 new members. Christina Favuzzi meets up with one of the newest Poly Reps.

Mustang News, Feb. 19, 2014: Student success fee allocated, colleges propose new minor

Mustang News anchor Ashley DeVriend covers today’s top stories at Cal Poly.

Free coffee at Cal Poly’s Front Porch

Mustang News reporter Lindsey Lewis visits Front Porch just off Cal Poly’s campus.

Cal Poly Ballroom gets back in the swing of things

The seventh annual Mustang Ball had more than 200 competitors last weekend from various schools across California, Utah and Arizona.

Mustang Minute: Stopping sexual assault at Cal Poly

The V-Day celebrations continue throughout the weekend with the Vagina Monologues.

Mustang News Weekly Recap, Feb. 13, 2014: Greek life off social probation, student dies in collision

Mustang News anchors Briana Whitney and Alexis Chetcuti recap Mustang News’ biggest stories this week.

Mustang News, Feb. 13, 2014: Greeks off probation, DeCosta looking into reported IFC parties

Olivia DeGennaro [follow id= “LivDeGennaro”] Mustang News anchor Olivia DeGennaro covers today’s top stories at Cal Poly.

Mustang Minute: Students Make Candles for Valentine's Day

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, some students stopped by the Craft Center to make something special for their loved ones. The free event was hosted by Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) Events and the Craft Center.

Mustang News, Feb. 12, 2014: Vote on CLA fee increase nearing, ASI announces new campaign rules

Mustang News anchor Ashley DeVriend covers today’s top stories at Cal Poly.

Mustang News, Feb. 11, 2014: Student killed in collision, Students honored at California Capitol

Mustang News anchor Christina Favuzzi covers today’s top stories at Cal Poly.