Poly 'P' 101 – Part 2

The Cal Poly “P” is one of the school’s most noticeable landmarks. Whether it is green for Earth Day or rainbow-colored for Pride Week, the “P” stands proudly on the hill, even though few know much about it. Present and…

Poly "P" 101

[box]The past and procedures: part 1[/box] People go up to the 50-foot-by-30-foot “P” on the mountain at the back of campus at all hours of the day for dates, to see the view, go mountain biking, to paint it — for…

Take a hike!

Bishop Peak Rising up into the skyline of central San Luis Obispo, Bishop Peak remains a favorite for hiking amateurs and pros alike. There are three trails of varying difficulty to get to the top of Bishop, which start at…