“It’s refreshing and exciting to see that Governor Newsom has dedicated much-needed funds to the community college, UC, and CSU systems – funds that will go towards further improving resources and accessibility for our students as they move towards obtaining their degrees,” ASI President Jasmin Fashami wrote to Mustang News.
The relationship between low-income accessibility and ethnicity at Cal Poly
There is a negative correlation between cost for low-income students and the proportion of minority students at public universities.
Income diversity and costs: Updates to the Opportunity Grant and the data behind it
Cal Poly has the lowest proportion of low-income students in the CSU, but the highest out-of-state cost of attendance.
Armstrong has yet to decide on Opportunity Grant and Fee; if implemented Fall 2018 cohort will not pay
Armstrong released a campus-wide email April 4 saying students starting Fall 2018 will not be subject to the fee.
ASI Board of Directors votes in opposition of the Cal Poly Opportunity Fee
ASI Board of Directors voted not to support the Cal Poly Opportunity Fee for out-of-state students.