The city that innovation built: HotHouse turns to crowd funding

SLO HotHouse and the Cal Poly Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship have launched an Indiegogo crowd sourcing campaign with the goal of raising $70,000, enough to fund seven teams of Cal Poly entrepreneurs.

What goes around comes around: alumna pursues social change project

Chaz Daum and Clayton Cole are currently working with U.S.-based manufacturers for production. Above is a prototype of the stainless steel cuff which will be stamped with “KARMAFLOWS.ORG” on the front and a unique set of numbers on the back.…

HotHouse brings business opportunities

Student entrepreneurs looking to turn their innovative ideas into full-fledged businesses will have that chance this summer, with the Cal Poly Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship’s second SLO HotHouse Summer Accelerator. The HotHouse is a 12-week program created last year…

Entrepreneurship Forum discusses giving back

  In today’s world, companies can be successful while also doing good for the world. This was a main topic at the Social Entrepreneurship and the Triple Bottom Line Forum in Chumash Auditorium Tuesday. The forum focused on companies and entrepreneurs…

Entrepreneurs on display at Cal Poly

The Cal Poly Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship held its bi-quarterly entrepreneurial event Nov. 16 in the Performing Arts Center Pavilion. Hosted by the center’s co-founder and Cal Poly entrepreneurship professor, Jonathan York, the entrepreneurship forum featured the finals of…