California students, faculty take action against budget cuts

All 23 California State University campuses will take part in “Class Action,” a rally to bring a voice to students, faculty and staff who are opposed to the recent and proposed education budget cuts.

Join the statewide protests today on Dexter Lawn and Marsh St.

When I think of the work of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the civil rights movement, I see that protesting does change society.

Poly to offer more summer school courses than ever

Due to the state budget crisis, both Cal Poly and Cuesta College’s summer school funds have been cut. Cal Poly, however, will continue to offer courses under the self-supporting office of Continuing Education. While more than double the amount of Cal Poly courses will be offered, they will also be more expensive.

ASI to host four-day budget debate

Associated Student Inc. will be holding a budget crisis debate series Monday through Thursday on Dexter Lawn, allowing students to voice their concerns about the economic disaster.

BLOG: Cal State Fullerton, UCM pave social media path

Only one campus from the UC and one from the CSU has social media links to their Facebook and Twitter pages directly on the homepage.

Pay cuts, fee increases to fill deficit gap

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a state budget Tuesday, which made official the $3 billion cut to the University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU) systems.