“Generation Change” , written by a San Luis Obispo native, inspires progressive thinking.
Moral dilemmas of communist Russia still relevant
This is one of the most thought-provoking and interesting story lines I’ve read. It is full of philosophical ideals as well as an engaging plot that makes complex theories seem relatable and relevant.
Learning “How to Be Single” is a whirlwind adventure
People read self-help books for everything from programming their computers to choosing the right wine. But a how-to guide on being single does not sound quite so appealing.
Sometimes it’s not so easy to “Love the One You’re With”
He loves me, he loves me not. If you love something, set it free. You only hurt the one you love. Love conquers all. We’ve all heard these clichés a million times.
Nothing nice to say about “Girls in Trucks”
Every once in a while, I see a book lying ever so temptingly on a Barnes & Noble shelf that I just can’t help but pick up. Hmmm…cute cover, interesting title, could be promising. “No, you don’t need another book,” I tell myself.
“Narnia” author weaves a tale of sisterly bonds
When most of us think of C.S. Lewis, we think of his hugely popular “Chronicles of Narnia.” Despite being a longtime devotee of the Narnia books, I never read any of his other works – until this one.
Post-WWII novel examines a literature’s ability to unite people
I’ll admit it — I don’t generally read best-sellers. It seems to me that it is due more to advertising than to good writing that they appear on the list in the first place. Nevertheless, I couldn’t help but be intrigued by this title and wanted to know if all the talk about this book was actually deserved.