In high school, Haley Hansen was diagnosed with orthorexia, an eating disorder with an unhealthy fixation on restrictive eating.
At approximately 8:30 p.m. on Thursday night I was resigned to writing this column about losing. How, despite all indications that destiny favors you or your team, the nature of sport dictates that sometimes your team will lose.You see, I…
BLOG: UU Plaza construction expanded
Construction continues on the UU because of an additional expansion that was approved in February.
BLOG: H1N1 tips
We all know you should wash your hands, keep your hands off your face and take your vitamins but what else should we do to fight off H1N1?
BLOG: Is GPA important?
Is GPA the most important thing, or are other factors taken into consideration that possibly outweigh that number? I’m sure I’m not the only one concerned about GPA, but not to fear, it isn’t the only aspect reviewed by admissions staff.
BLOG: Family of Champions
Through blogging, the Champion family remembers Cal Poly sophomore who died from cancer in August.
BLOG: New news site launches in SLO
San Luis Obispo Newspaper is an online-only, blog-style site that boasts its greenness and dedication to county news. The name they chose leaves much to be desired, but they are doing some things right.
CFA and students clash with chancellor
Students for Quality Education are planning a 48 hour protest/vigil at the chancellor’s office in Long Beach starting Sunday up to the meeting on Tuesday.