Good to the last drop

Nick and Jake give you their ultimate beer list in their final column.

Raise your glass: Inside the SLO Craft Beer Fest

And they’re back. Your beer columnists fill you in on what you missed at the SLO Craft Beer Festival.

Tapping into the local brew scene

We all know San Luis Obispo likes to drink beer.

So you think you like craft beer?

Nothing makes us happier than seeing newfound beer enthusiasts ditch their cans of Natty and PBR to pick up a bottle of something crafty, or impressing us further by pouring their beer into proper glassware.

Something to talk a'stout

If you haven’t been to Spike’s Pub — located in the Creamery in downtown San Luis Obispo — we’d highly recommend it.

Crafting a hoppier future

Craft breweries are sprouting up everywhere. Especially along the West Coast, it is nearly impossible to find any city or town without a micro- or nano-brewery less than a $20 cab ride away (Emphasis on the cab. Driving yourself to beer-tasting trip is a big no-no. More on that later).

Crap on tap: Ballin' on a budget

As you know, we are beer snobs craft beer aficionados. That being said, we are also broke college students. Cheap beer is a necessary evil at this point, and it is as hard to avoid as it is to enjoy.

Tips for what ales you

According to a survey we made up for the sake of this sentence, 98 percent of the people reading this column are poor college students. For the sake of our parents potentially reading this, we won’t say how much a typical craft beer run costs us … but it is quite a bit more expensive than a run to the corner store for a 30-rack.

Keeping it glassy

You’ve had a long day at school. You failed your midterm, lost your homework and missed the bus.