Class is held in a field of swarming bees.
30-Minute update: ASI president announced, inside the beekeeping class
Mustang News anchors Ayrton Ostly and David Kline update you on Mustang News’ biggest stories this week.
Cal Poly student finds money in honey
The most difficult part about launching a beekeeping business isn’t avoiding getting stung, according to local beekeeper and business owner, Ross Berger; it’s coming up with a company name. “Our friend called us up and said, ‘I’ve got a name…
Back in bees-ness
Cal Poly would be a different place without honeybees: no more blueberries, raspberries, avocadoes or almonds, horticulture and crop science lecturer and instructor of beekeeping Scott Jeffreys said. This is a fate Cal Poly just recently avoided — narrowly. “We…