The crossroads of your early 20's

Justin Fivella Just before pulling away and watching everything I had known for the first 21 years of my life disappear in my rearview mirror, my Dad offered me some wisdom that though incomprehensible at the time, I knew someday…

Hangover? What hangover?

James Mellor Dry mouth, headache, soreness and slight memory loss. I had all the symptoms of a classic hangover. On a Saturday afternoon, cheap pitchers of Natural Light at The Shack had sparked the idea of drinking games among some…

Nothing to wine about

Nick Coury “I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.” This famous line from “Silence of the Lambs” describes wine culture at its finest. San Luis Obispo is located on the California Central Coast with an…

Valentine's Daze

Joe Sargent My stomach hurts, my head is aching and I really want a greasy burger. This was me the morning after Valentine’s Day. But let me fill you in on all the details that led to my post-Valentine’s Day…

V-Day to-do list for singles

"When's Valentine's Day again?" my friend asked. "It's today," I said disparagingly. Well, at least I'm not the only one who's going to be spending the day without a significant other. The romantic ambiance that sets Valentine's Day apart from…

AbstiNick: The battle of the sexless

Nick Coury It’s Saturday night. The stereotypical college guy is down at the local watering hole getting his groove on, playing the field. He’s wearing shiny black shoes, over-priced, pre-ripped jeans, a long-sleeved collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up…

A downtown research study

Joe Sargent I am starting a new research field and anyone who wants to join me can feel free to contact me. What study you ask? It is the study of the migratory pattern of the downtown drinker. If you…

Boys, boys, boys

Louise Dolby When I applied to colleges four years ago, I was immediately drawn to Cal Poly for (among other things) its ratio of males to females. At the time it was nearly two to one, a promising statistic for…

Proud to be a beer snob

Emily Logan To begin, I will recount a conversation I had with a friend just the other day. When I asked him if he had taken advantage of Spike’s Oktoberfest deal, he said he hadn’t yet, after which I added…

Sticking it to 'the man'

Mariecar Mendoza Turning 21 is one of those times in your life when you enter crunkdome and unknowingly take it to the next level where happy hours finally become much more than appetizers and where microbrews force a rapid betrayal…

Confessions of a 21-year-old trick-or-treater

Mariecar Mendoza Out of all the seasons in the year, summer is a surprisingly close second to the fall as one of my favorites. Despite the start of school, autumn has always managed to turn me into a giddy little…