Left behind, but left with good advice

Paul Bittick As graduation for many super-seniors is approaching, some of us less fortunate juniors are stuck on this wonderful campus for another year of educational bliss. Many of my friends will be graduating in a week and leaving me…

I'm a graduate, not a grandma

Paul Bittick I feel old. Some days I look in the mirror and I see a woman I do not know and wonder where the 16-year-old me is. Oh my God, I am turning into my mother. I blame the…

Walking the plank of graduation

Katie Hofstetter As a graduating senior, there is one question that I hate above all else. It’s the dreaded, “What are your plans for next year?” Each time I hear it, I have to pause for a minute, allowing the…

Welcome to 'Club Alum'

Mariecar Mendoza It is 1:01 a.m. and “Late Night with Conan O’Brien” is blaring from my television. But it’s not Conan’s jokes that are keeping me awake, nor is it the screen’s glow or my computer’s hum. It’s this darn…

Memorial Day movies: big guns, big bucks

Amy Asman “Oooh, man didya zeee da mooviee about tat guuyy witda boat ontop of that giiiiant wave?! That wasss AWWWSOME?” This previous blurb of drunk-speak is actually an excessively intoxicated friend of mine asking whether or not I had…

Hi, I'm married

Jandy Jones Spring break marks a time when students can go away to far-off places and party. I also celebrated my one-year-wedding anniversary over spring break. Yes, I am married. I am 22 years old and have been married for…

Don't judge me because I'm brown

Brigette Barbosa Cinco de Mayo. For some, a day of celebration, unity and appreciation for an entire culture. For others, it’s just another reason to have a party and drink margaritas until the smell of tequila is enough to induce…

Another excuse to drink it up

Mariecar Mendoza El Cinco de Mayo. Or the fifth of May for all of you who opted to take French or German in high school instead of Spanish. It is day worthy of celebration and a true holiday for those…

More than just 'that single girl'

Paul Bittick When I transferred to Cal Poly last September, not only did I enter a new era in my college life, but my relationship status changed as well. Having been 21 for less than a year, the only bar…

Going into the closet

Nick Coury The few nights during the month when I go out to the bars or a friend’s house party, I make sure to get my hair did and look good, in a manner of speaking. When it comes to…

Bars leave wallets empty, students craving more

Mariecar Mendoza I recently turned 22 and as I reflect back on my first year of legally being allowed to drink, I can’t help but feel guilty as I try to estimate the amount of money I have spent downtown.…