Mustang News, Nov. 26, 2013: Alumnus dies in car crash, students react to controversial party

Mustang News anchor Olivia DeGennaro recaps today’s biggest news at Cal Poly.

Mustang Minute: Shoppers camp out for Black Friday sales

Black Friday a few days away and Mustang News reporter Ashley DeVriend talks with one shopper who is already in line for the big sale.

Mustang News, Nov. 21, 2013: College of Liberal Arts could see fee increase

Ashley DeVriend [follow id= “AshleyDeVriend”] Mustang News anchor Ashley DeVriend recaps today’s biggest news at Cal Poly.

Mustang Minute: Students fill advising centers to prepare for registration

Ashley DeVriend [follow id= “ashleydevriend”] Mustang News reporter Ashley DeVriend takes a look at how students are handling the registration rush.

Mustang News Weekly Recap, Nov. 14, 2013: Laptops stolen around campus, Poly Planner to launch in winter

Mustang News anchors Taylor Phillips and Kyle Shields cover the week’s biggest news stories at Cal Poly.

Mustang News, Nov. 7, 2013: Drug dogs in the dorms, Physchological impacts of daylight saving time

Ashley DeVriend [follow id= “AshleyDeVriend”] Mustang News anchor Ashley DeVriend talks today’s biggest news at Cal Poly.

Mustang Minute: Fire in Sequoia Hall displaces freshmen

Ashley DeVriend [follow id= “AshleyDeVriend”] Mustang News reporter Ashley DeVriend talks with freshman and firefighters about the fire in Sequoia Hall on Sunday night.

Valley Fever cases rise on Central Coast

Dust spores are flying, and cases of Valley Fever are on the rise on the Central Coast.

Mustang News Weekly Recap, Oct. 31, 2013: Mustang News celebrates Halloween

Christina Favuzzi and Ashley Whittingham [follow id= “ChristinaFav”] [follow id= “smashleywhitt”] Mustang News anchors Christina Favuzzi and Ashley Whittingam host our Halloween show.

Mustang News, Oct. 31. 2013: Rumors of Zac Efron on campus, Valley Fever appears on Central Coast

Ashley DeVriend [follow id= “AshleyDeVriend”] Mustang News anchor Ashley DeVriend recaps today’s biggest news at Cal Poly.

Mustang Minute, Oct. 30, 2013: Twitter rumors spread about Zac Efron on campus

Twitter blew up Tuesday night with posts about Zac Efron being on Cal Poly’s campus.