BLOG: Safe and savory at 160

Customer service goes beyond just putting food on the table at a restaurant.

Students show well at annual research competition

Cal Poly students brought home three first-place finishes and one second-place finish after competing in the 24th annual California State University Research Competition.

Kayak for disabled paddlers produced by Poly students

After a year-long effort by Cal Poly engineering and kinesiology students, the Adapted Paddling Launch Vehicle smoothly sent kayakers with disabilities into Morro Bay.

ASI Elections end, investigations underway

The ASI Elections end but candidates who broke campaign policy could face fines and disqualification.

Steinbeck classic comes to the big screen at the PAC

Everyone can come enjoy “East of Eden” as it awakes from a 55 year slumber and hits the big screen at the Christopher Cohan Performing Arts Center.