Coulter lacked mutual respect, not free speech

I felt compelled to write this piece after attending the Ann Coulter event hosted by the Cal Poly College Republicans (CPCR). As an openly queer man on this campus, and someone who advocates and volunteers for organizations such as the…

Coulter's visit a victory for intellectual diversity

From the initial “vanishing” stakes to the “revised” posters (and subsequent “poster wars”), it seems as though the left is doing everything in its power to stunt the success of Ann Coulter’s speaking engagement on Feb. 28. Meanwhile, alumni have…

Coulter's visit is a colossal miscalculation

Ann Coulter is a relic, a bigot, a mystery, a firebrand, a slipped disc, a wrenching gear, a fountain that does not trickle but rather vomits apoplectic sarcasm and such impossibly acidic bile that one wonders how such a substance…

A shout out to the single moms

While other superheroes lift buildings with their super strength, single parents carry a work load intended for two people. They fight off every villain that anyone else throws at their kid. They cruise around in a mini van instead of the Batmobile.