Sexual assault: the numbers

After three reported rapes within nine days, discussions of sexual assault has taken a forefront in the Cal Poly community, though, the real statistics and history of sexual assault at Cal Poly resembles those of other campuses.

SLOwing the stigma of mental illness

SLO the Stigma unveiled its new mental health campaign May 4 by unveiling the face of a man who represents the stigma of mental illness.

San Luis Obispo Bicycle Coalition goes to Washington

The San Luis Obispo County Bicycle Coalition will bike in the nation’s capital this week. The group is attending the 11th annual National Bike Summit from March 7 to 14.

Local firefighters fired up about city council decision

The San Luis Obispo City Firefighters Association, IAFF Local 3523, challenged a city council decision to remove the right of unions to have a third party arbiter make the final decision on labor disputes — called binding arbitration — Feb.…

Death raises awareness of bike safety in SLO

After a man died from injuries Jan. 12 from a car and bike collision, bike safety in San Luis Obispo presents a more serious issue than previously considered.

National university counseling services lack staff, study reports

The national average ratio of college counselors to students is 1-to-1,600, showing a possible shortage in staff for an increasing amount of students who require professional counseling, according to a study published by the International Association of Counseling Services, Inc.…