Does your mom take this man to be your husband?

Alicia Freeman is an English senior and Mustang Daily relationship advice columnist. My mom is pushing me to marry an engineer. She says that way I will have some kind of financial security. I guess Cal Poly is a good…

How to deal with a friend's annoying guy

Alicia Freeman is an English senior and Mustang Daily relationship advice columnist. “Spontaneous overflow of emotion” last week, huh? (Haha, English major joke.) I realize in an effort to share my own experiences to say, “Hey, we’re all human, and…

Jealousy: A double-edged sword

I hate couples. I hate their happiness, I hate the way they hold hands and I especially hate how they rub their non-singledom in my — and other singles’ — face. Even when I was a member of a couple,…

Adding a realistic twist to the classic "Notebook" fantasy

Alicia Freeman is an English senior and relationship advice columnist for the Mustang Daily. In an English class a few quarters ago, more than one of my female peers said “The Notebook” was their favorite movie, and for those that…

Cal Poly: After the assaults

In the wake of a spring quarter marred by sexual assault, the question of how to safely pursue sex and alcohol in college life was asked at the end of spring quarter. It is a question that will continue to…

10 years later: Remembering September 11, 2001

Those in San Luis Obispo share their stories and memories as the nation recognizes the 10 year anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001.

Half of the California DREAM is made a reality

Governor Brown signed half of the California DREAM ACT, allowing undocumented students easier access to financial aid.

Killer wasps fighting hungry moths: the organic pest-control method

Sacramento and San Luis counties expect a decrease in harmful moth infection after California Department of Food and Agriculture declared plan to release stingerless wasps in crop fields.

Local charity raises money for special needs children

Jack’s Helping Hand, local non-profit charity, attracted 650 attendees and accumulated a total of $187,000 at a Santa Margarita barbecue fundraiser for special needs children and families.

National HIV Testing Day encourages increased awareness

Local health recognize 17th annual National HIV Testing Day on June 27th, 2011 and encourage students to take advantage of free HIV/AIDS testing.

Students pimp their ride for California competition

Behind the Farm Shop Building sits the old beat-up shell of a Buick LeSabre, with a green 80 painted on its side and the remnants of long empty beer cans scattered among the shabby interior.