Everything you need to know about the Master Plan

Anyone can submit their comments about the Master Plan to the university before June 13.

A year in greek life

This past school year in greek life has brought many surprises, with two suspensions, two probations and the creation of new legislation.

Greek life off social probation after 13 weeks

Chapters can register social events as long as they adhere to the party registration policy.

IFC approves contract with SLO Safe Ride

The shuttles will run from the Hathaway area to downtown around Luna Red from 11 p.m. to 2 a.m.

St. Fratty’s Day party not associated with greek life, fraternity presidents say

Some see greek life being pinned for an independent party, while others think fraternity and sorority members are trying to deflect responsibility for their actions.

Panhellenic Council rejects SLO Safe Ride contract

The Cal Poly Panhellenic Council chose not to approve a contract with SLO Safe Ride to provide free shuttle services to the downtown area for sorority and fraternity members on Friday and Saturday nights in a meeting on Tuesday.

Fraternities speak out against sexual assault

Sixteen fraternities have submitted statements against sexual assault within the greek system and at Cal Poly as a whole.

Questioning tradition: How drinking on sorority turf could impact party culture

Sorority parties might make it easier for women to look out for each other’s safety.

Sexual assault action plan submitted for review

Olivia Proffit [follow id =”ojproffit”] On Feb. 1, student leaders in Cal Poly greek life submitted the Students Taking Action Towards University Safety (STATUS) plan to administration who will edit the plan and return it to greek leaders by next Friday,…

Student leaders respond to reported sexual assaults

Olivia Proffit and Leah Horner [follow id = “ojproffit”] [follow id = “leahlingo”] Since last weekend’s reported sexual assault, fraternities and sororities have been put on social probation, meaning all social events are banned but sisterhood and brotherhood events and meetings within…

IFC president says ‘consequences will be dire’ for another sexual assault incident

Another sexual assault tied to a Cal Poly greek house could spell trouble for the whole organization.