If someone needs help, call 911. Don’t worry about repercussions. That’s the message Cal Poly is sending to students.
Behind the scenes of sexual assault
Safer is fighting a misconception that college campuses don’t reprimand students found guilty of sexual assault.
Cal Poly officials tighten up on off-campus behavior
Are actions of misconduct committed off campus as significant as those committed on campus?
Officials at Cal Poly believe so.
Making the transition, learning the ropes
Transitioning from high school to college means less regimented schedules and parental supervision.
The people, nature and activities in San Luis Obispo make Cal Poly great, but can also make studying difficult, Student Life and Leadership Coordinator Adrienne Miller said.
ASI Board of Directors meeting recap
The Associated Students, Inc. (ASI) Board of Directors held their bimonthly meeting on Wednesday in the University Union (UU), room 220.
Lambda Sigma Gamma under investigation
Laura Pezzini lpezzini@mustangdaily.net Cal Poly’s Lambda Sigma Gamma sorority is under investigation following complaints about its new member education process, Student Life and Leadership Director Stephen Lamb said. Lambda Sigma Gamma is a multicultural interest sorority under the United Sorority…
Inside the ‘drug culture’ at Cal Poly
Before business administration student L even rolls out of bed there is one question she, and a growing number of other students, will answer — To smoke marijuana before school or wait until after?