CFA and students clash with chancellor

Students for Quality Education are planning a 48 hour protest/vigil at the chancellor’s office in Long Beach starting Sunday up to the meeting on Tuesday.

BLOG: Obama urged change on Fourth

President Obama gave his weekly address, urging citizens to put forth the same spirit as the country’s first system.

North Korean government deserves world condemnation

Last Thursday, President Obama and former Vice President Dick Cheney gave national security speeches on the same day. Press Secretary Robert Gibbs says the timing was a coincidence — at least on the President’s side.

Dictatorships or democracies: all governments rule by force

We do well to fear the potential dangers inherent in any government, whether such government is of a tyrant or the fictitious “will of the people.” Government, even democratically elected government, is always the same. It is force, a force which can be used for good or bad, right or wrong.