Mustang News anchor Olivia DeGennaro recaps today’s biggest news at Cal Poly.
Capps and Maldonado face off for seat in congress
Laura Pezzini The race to be elected California’s 23rd district congressman between current congresswoman Lois Capps and former California Lieutenant Governor Abel Maldonado is a heated one. Both candidates not only have extensive political experience, but also have experience…
CPTV Full interview with Abel Maldonado
The extended interview with Lt. Gov Abel Maldonado by Cal Poly Television.
CSU budget protests scarce at Cal Poly
Students and faculty have been protesting budget cuts at campuses around the state, so why has there been so little protest here at Cal Poly?
The process of ending partisanship in government begins with us
Partisanship pervades California politics. The state got a dose of the disease when the state Senate rejected Arnold Schwarzenegger’s appointment to lieutenant governor, Abel Maldonado. He is a Republican appointment, which is natural since the governor is Republican. But that’s no excuse for Democrats to reject his appointment for no reason other than his political affiliation.