It’s the beginning of dead week. I really don’t think anything else needs to be said because we all know what this accurately-named week entails: caffeine, all-nighters (though I’ve yet to pull one) and books on books on books (had to do it).
But when you think about it, this week is the second-to-last dead week we’ll have to endure for the rest of the year (for this school year, anyway), so there’s a little optimism to begin your week with.
On another note, this week has barely begun, and I’m already exhausted. To lighten the stress load dead week will undoubtedly present to us, here are some ways to “keep calm and carry on,” because let’s face it, we all need some time to relax even when it seems like we have hundreds of things on our to-do list.
Dead week is meant for studying, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take an hour break here and there (this is only if you’re studying for something ahead of time, otherwise, keep cramming). Studying with half-hour to hour breaks every two hours or so will help you absorb more information, believe it or not, so don’t be afraid to engage in some activities to de-stress a tad.
Which means it’s totally OK to go on Facebook, Pinterest (my obsession) and other sites you normally procrastinate on. Just keep yourself in check, and don’t stay on these for more than the allotted time you give yourself.
If you’re really trying to stay away from those distracting sites, stay active so you’re not constantly wondering if Kim Kardashian retweeted you or not. Exercise also relieves stress so it’s a great way to keep yourself sane. Play your favorite sport, go hiking or go for a swim and tan at the Recreation Center.
Listening to music is also an incredibly simple, but helpful way to relax. If you’re looking for even more relaxation, check out Rainymood online — one of my favorite websites. On the site, you can listen to a song and hear rain drip-dropping in the background, or you can just listen to the rain alone. It will instantly make you feel a little less stressed.
Of course, during your breaks, don’t forget the most important thing of all: eating. It seems obvious, but when you’re so engulfed in work, sometimes you just forget to eat. Especially at the library when you feel bad for noisily rustling food packaging, so you just want to avoid it until after you leave. Unless you’re on the second or third floor. Then it’s a different story. But eat snacks — healthy snacks — to fuel your brain and to keep the focus on your work.
In relation to food, don’t overdose on caffeine, no matter how much you think you need it. I know it’s hard, and I understand because my name is Leila and I might have had a caffeine addiction this quarter. This was only because of an 8 a.m. class (I know, I know, there are 7 a.m. classes, so it’s not as bad) — I needed to wake myself up with some coffee.
Since my class is four days of the week, that became coffee basically four days of the week, causing my Plu$ Dollars to decrease at an alarming pace. But for dead week, I’m trying not to consume as much coffee as I have lately, partly because I want my Plu$ Dollars to roll over to next quarter instead of using them all up this week and next (#freshmanproblems), and partly because it’s not healthy. So if you empathize with my story, let’s switch to green tea instead of coffee for the week. It’s healthier and has less caffeine.
Finally, find your best way to relax and do it during your study breaks.
There’s only one more quarter of freshman year left, so enjoy the end of this quarter even though it might not seem possible during dead week and upcoming finals, but there’s always a way to end things well.