Erin Abzug
Although Cal Poly students are very successful at landing jobs after receiving their degrees, sometimes the jobs students work at prior to graduation are a little random. Here at Cal Poly, there is no exception.
Cal Poly’s Creamery is home to dairy science majors and these students are able to get hands-on experience as part of their education. However, kinesiology senior Spencer Takata is also part of the team of Cal Poly’s Creamery.
Takata said the Creamery produces cheese, ice cream, chocolate milk or eggnog, depending on the season. The Creamery is responsible for producing, packaging and selling its products to vendors.
Although the Creamery is unrelated to kinesiology, Takata said he does not feel that is a negative thing.
“The job builds character,” Takata said. “We are responsible for thousands of dollars worth of merchandise. It teaches you how to be responsible and to work with a team.”
Takata got the job through a friend who is a dairy science major and was able to effectively communicate his interest to the manager. Despite what the job entails, Takata was still able to network his way to landing the job. Takata is also still involved in other clubs on campus and internships. He will be able to carry this experience and his practice with networking into the realm of kinesiology.
Agribusiness junior Paul Ogden is also a Creamery employee. Ogden said he enjoys his job.
“I love it,” Ogden said. “It’s a lot of fun. I like cooking, so it fits my personality very well.”
Ogden is a transfer student and originally wanted to transfer into business administration, but agribusiness is where he fell. The Creamery “is not the business side of things, but I get to learn about dairy science.”
Ogden said he originally got the job mainly for the money.
“I needed a job and needed money to help me pay for stuff in college,” he said, “but ever since I have gotten it, I have loved it.”
Another Cal Poly student who enjoys his job is business administration junior Joey Shuster. Shuster spends 30 to 40 hours a week working for Meathead Movers, a moving company located on South Higuera Street. Shuster uses this job to support himself.
“I drive a big truck to a house, load some furniture, drive the truck to the destination and unload the truck,” Shuster sad.
Business administration senior Emily Summerville works as a spa and gift shop associate at The Cliffs Resort in Shell Beach. Her main responsibility is to sell the spa and boutique items.
Summerville’s main concentration is in computer information systems. While her career path does not match her student job, Summerville has stuck with it for extra spending money.
Even though she is not getting computer experience at The Cliffs, Summerville already has a job relating to her field waiting for her when she graduates.
Kinesiology junior Katie Marchant hopes to pursue medical school, but as for now, she is working at Teaberry Frozen Yogurt Café.
“I work there for money, job experience and because I like it,” she said. “It makes it much more worthwhile. I don’t know if I would do it if I did not like it.”
Marchant gets some entertainment working at Teaberry by serving other college students on weekend nights.
“An $18 yogurt was the biggest one I’ve ever seen,” Marchant said.
Even though some of these jobs are not giving these students experience in their field of study, it seems that they all enjoy their work environment. Whether for the money or the enjoyment, these students are still dedicated to the working world.