Lying close to you
Feeling your fingers graze my bare skin
Pulling you close
Never wanting to let go
Never wanting You to let go
Closing my eyes
Hoping when they open you’ll still be here
As your lips press against mine
I close my eyes tighter
Fearing it might all be a dream
Never wanting to wake up
Hearing your giggles faintly drifting
I open my eyes
Only to find the imprint
Of where you once slept
"Too Afraid"
I write
Secretly wanting you to read
But too afraid to ever let you see.
I think
Hoping you’re thinking of me
But too afraid to ever let you know.
I dream
Hoping you’re dreaming of me
But too afraid to tell you so.
I love
Secretly wanting you to love me
But too afraid it will never be.
"Blind and Numb"
Everyone can see it
Only I can feel it
The way you look at me
The way you talk to me
The way you touch me
Can’t you see it?
“Don’t you feel it?”
The way you linger in my car
So hesitant to get out and leave
The way you smile at me
So shy, yet so happy and sincere
Can’t you see it?
I think you feel it.
Are you afraid of something?
Are you afraid
That I might love you
Like no one else has?
Are you afraid
Of falling in love
With a woman?
With a friend?
Does it scare you
That this seems too good to be true?
If you feel it
Please say it
Your silence scares me
Could it be we’re all blind?
Impaired by the goggles of
Wishful thinking?
Maybe only you can see it
But I still feel it.
"Golden Lady"
My Lady
My opposite
Comming from two extremes
And finding each other in the middle
So opposite we become the same
Mirrior images of each other
Where I curve out
You curve in
Fitting together
Like two pieces of a puzzle
Balancing each other
In a harmonious friendship
Can you blame me
For looking at you with love?
-Tiana Perez, Architecture junior